Discussion Papers 2020

No. Author(s) Title Submission PDF Published in
203 Lutz G. Arnold
David Ruß
Listening to the Noise in Financial Markets December PDF International Review of Economics and Finance
202 Daniel Fehrle
Christopher Heiberger
Johannes Huber
Polynomial chaos expansion: Efficient evaluation and estimation of computational models December PDF
201 David Ruß Multidimensional Noise and Non-Fundamental Information Diversity December PDF The North American Journal of Economics and Finance
200 Lutz G. Arnold
Michael Heyna
Low-Wage Competition: Pains From Trade for Medium-Wage Countries December PDF Journal of International Trade and Economic Development
199 Regina T. Riphahn
Rebecca Schrader
Labor market effects of early retirement reforms November PDF Journal of Pension Economics and Finance
198 Alexander M. Danzer
Carsten Feuerbaum
Fabian Gaessler
Labor Supply and Automation Innovation June PDF Journal of Public Economics
197 Daniel Fehrle
Johannes Huber
Business cycle accounting for the German fiscal stimulus program during the Great Recession June PDF
196 Franz Reiter
Dominika Langenmayr
Svea Holtmann
Avoiding Taxes: Banks‘ Use of Internal Debt May PDF International Tax and Public Finance
195 Alexander Daminger
Kristof Dascher
City Skew and Homeowner Subsidy Removal May PDF Land Economics
194 Stefanie Braun
Gabriel S. Lee
The Prices of Residential Land in German Counties April PDF Regional Science and Urban Economics
193 Daniel Fehrle
Christopher Heiberger
The return on everything and the business cycle in production economies March PDF
192 Alexander M. Danzer
Lennard Zyska
Pensions and Fertility: Micro-Economic Evidence March PDF American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
191 Matthias Collischon
Kamila Cygan-Rehm
Regina T. Riphahn
Employment effects of payroll tax subsidies March PDF Small Business Economics
190 Lutz Arnold
Sebastian Zelzner
Welfare Effects of the Allocation of Talent to Financial Trading: What Does the Grossman-Stiglitz Model Say? February PDF Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance
189 Hartmut Egger
Elke Jahn
Stefan Kornitzky
Reassessing the Foreign Ownership Wage Premium in Germany February PDF The World Economy
188 Hartmut Egger
Simone Habermeyer
How Preferences Shape the Welfare and Employment Effects of Trade February PDF Review of World Economics
187 Dominique Sulzmaier The causal effect of early tracking in German schools on the intergenerational transmission of education January PDF